
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

//2015//A Year In Review

Can you believe it.....the year is almost over! Where has this year gone? It seemed like just yesterday I was ringing in the new year of 2015 and in just one day we will be ringing in the new year of 2016! WOW!!!
I cannot even begin to recap EVERYTHING that has happened this year because quite frankly I do not even remember everything and well, it might just take to long:) Nontheless, I will try and give a brief overview of this years highlights and some of the exciting things that have happened.......
  1. I have successfully completed two FULL semesters of "real" college (I took dual credit for over 3 years) and will be starting my Junior year in the spring...hurray!!!
  2. It baffles me to think of all the wonderful people I have met this past year through the "blogsphere" or over Instagram. It is crazy to think that I have not even met most of them face to face or in person, but that hasn't kept me from getting to know them and feel as though we are all "bosom" blogging/Instagram is something so special!
  3. One thing that has DEFFINITELY been different this year is moving away from home for most of the year, as I was living on campus during the spring semester, part of the summer, and this past fall (and will continue to in the spring). That was deffinitely something to get used to, but it has been nice to be independent and on my own.
  4. The number of WONDERFUL classes I have been taking for my degree have been soooooo MUCH FUN and as of now I have taken a sewing class, pattern making, textiles, principles of design, and hospitality (just to name a few).
  5. OH MY......I am no longer a "teen" anymore!!! Ahhhhhhh.......that is so CRAZY to think about and I don't quite think that it has settled in yet:) LOL.
  6. I CUT MY HAIR!!! Yes....I used to have hair down to my waist but cut it to my shoulders and donated 10 inches to Locks of Love. 
  7. All of my friends are now in college and it has been something for all of us to get adjusted to as we are all at different schools, studying different subjects, and are not all close to each other. It has been a challenge to stay in touch through our crazy semesters and schedules and still make time to hang out, but I know that we will prevail!!
  8. I got a position/job as a Resident Adviser on campus right at the end of Fall semester and will be going though training at the beginning of January. That has definitely been an adventure and journey so far and I am excite to see what this next semester will bring. 
  9. It was so fun this past year to be able to do three posts for awards that two other lovely bloggers had nominated me for (thank you ladies)! I was first nominated for the "Sisterhood of The World Bloggers Award" (here), than the "Versatile Blogger" award (here), and lastly the "Liebster" award (here). If you want to know some interesting facts about me I suggest you go back and read these posts....they are quite interesting and entertaining:)
  10. I filmed my first Q&A Video over spring break this past year Here.
  11. The top 4 Blog posts on Minnie Muse in 2015 were Independence DayRe-AdjustCOFB II "Collection of Reactions", and my Q&A.
  12. My personal FAVORITE 4 posts would however have to be: Shades of AvonleaTrudy CooperFalling Into Swing, and Classic my eShakti review! 
  13. Last, but not least, I am thrilled to say I have gained more followers than I would have expected in my first year of blogging. You LOVELY readers are what keep me going and are the motivation and inspiration behind what I do!!! Truly, I appreciate your kind interest in my "little ole blog" and thank you ever so much for being the wonderful followers that you are. 
  14. And Finally.....I wanted to take a minute to say thank you to all of the authors and fabulous souls behind the blogs I follow. You are ABSOLUTELY my inspiration as well and I look forward to each new post of yours that pops up on my feed, relishing every word, pictures, and carefully crafted ensemble straight from the heart and full of your passions. 
I know this new year of 2016 will come with new and exciting adventures and challenges and I can't wait to face each one of them head on with confidence! I look forward to seeing all that will become of Minnie Muse in 2016 and anticipate reaching more readers and sharing more of what I LOVE!
HAPPY NEW YEAR dear sweet people:)
- Madison

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