
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Nod To The 70's

When your nail polish color matches your lips:)
Sweater & Skirt: Goodwill Tights: Target Boots: Xapparel Belt: sisters Nail Polish: Rimmel London 60 second (505) Lipstick: Rimmel London "Provocalips" (230 Kiss Fatal) & Moisture Renew 207
If anyone says "Blogging Withdrawal" is not a thing they are wrong! Yes, I have been blogging, but not in the capacity that I prefer of sharing outfits with you all. If any of you remember from last week, my Instagram post here where I shared my Goodwill hall.....well I finally got around to taking pictures in the ensemble I bought from that day!! Yay! 
Funny story (and not so funny....but that part would take to long) is that I was planning on taking these pictures last Saturday with more of a 60's vibe of bouffant hair, a headband, curls, and loafers. Needless to say even though I got up that morning and pampered for the shoot the day ended up being not the greatest and ended with me watching Netflix in pajamas on my bead with full makeup and hair.....but sometimes that's just how life is!
I can't help but look at this sweater, skirt, and booties and think of Lauren from Someone Like You whose style lately has got me so inspired to delve more into the 60's and 70's realm of vintage, like she did in this post. Furthermore, with my hair the way it was for this look I was struck by how much it mirrors something I would find Alexandria wearing over at Larkspur Vintage because her style is to die for as well! 
With all this being said I must say I am quite liking the whole late 60's early 70's look. I never thought myself much of a fan for wearing styles from these eras, or usually didn't even try because of my long legs (hehe), but these pieces perfectly captured the essence of those decades while still keeping it classy. 
Originally I hadn't even planned or pictured wearing tights with this skirt but when I was getting ready this morning I had a revelation and quickly ran to my closet and pulled out my mustard tights (you know I am a sucker for that color), and boy was I thrilled that the color matched perfectly!! Plus wearing tights added a little warmth for the changing temperature swings we are currently experiencing here:) 
All in all I think this look or variations of it just might be a recurring theme for the next couple of months...that is until it gets warm. However, for not I am totally up for trying something new and different than my norm and this definitely fits the bill. 
Until next time dear readers!!
What do you think of this combo?
Have you tried a 70's style before?

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