
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Cozy + Coffee

Jeans: Thrifted
Shirt: Faded Glory
Sweater: c/o TOBI
Mug: Marshalls
Glasses: c/o Firmo
I have come to realize how much I rely on the weekends for creating blog content. Since the semester started, the weekends have become the time that I get all of my photos for the coming week taken care of and start planing out posts. Sadly, the past two weekends I was either home with my family or traveling on a road trip, and while you would think that I still would have found time to take pictures I didn't. Thus, my absence from the blog was sadly a result of that an I am now counting down the days to till weekend when I can get back into the swing of things again!
It's crazy when life gets busy and I realize how much I have neglected the blog and fallen away from my timely blog schedule that I faithfully had going at the beginning of the semester. In those moments of business I find myself missing this special space and all of you who grace each post with your time and comments! Sadly, I have realized that when life gets busy and content is lacking I develop a loss of enthusiasm and inspiration for posting. So often blogging is all I want to do, but when life gets busy it is often the one thing I keep pushing aside, forgetting that it is always something that rejuvenates me and fills me with inspiration to keep going and pushing through even when life might get hard. I think that's why it is so important to cling to somewhat of a schedule when life gets busy, because even when things feel like they are falling apart at the scenes there are always those constants that help you regain a since of composure on life. My go to constants when life gets crazy are always a good cup of fact each day starts off 100% better when I start off with a cup of coffee followed by time spent in the word all warm and cozy in a chunky sweater.....there is just something so simple and comforting about those three things:)
Furthermore, the lack of "true" fall weather in my neck of the woods has set me into a state of gloomy disengagement from fashion and has made getting dressed every day a slight struggle. I always want to reach for sweaters and wear all of the cozy clothes that make me so giddy with fall fever, yet am forced to choose more "summery" pieces day in and day out! Its quite hard when you have an idea in your head but in reality its not quite seems to take a tad bit of excitement out of you. That is probably another reason for the lack of posts as all the outfit and post ideas in my head, center around fall but are logically not feasible with my weather....Thus, here's to hoping "true" fall will arrive soon and more posts will appear on the blog!
Do you ever feel at a loss when it comes to blogging?
Does the weather ever diminish your excitement?

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